We have full Time staff, and a doctor specialist, to assist you in any way with any issues you might experience during the use of our products.
We offer a 1 year warranty on the production of all parts and assembly of our products. If you experience breakage with our products, and it has occurred during normal use, we will ask you to report this to us via the form in the link below, including a brief description and a few pictures. If the issue cannot be determined via email/pictures, we may ask you to return the product to us, for a closer inspection. This return freight is initially paid by you, but if we decide the problem is under warranty, we will refund the freight, as well as repair and/or replace the product, and send it back to you. If it is not under warranty, we will give you an offer for the repair/replacement and await your acceptance.
Due to the intimate nature of our product, and thus the strict hygienic standards, we cannot refund a returned used product. This is also clearly stated on the sealed bag stating: ‘The product cannot be returned when this bag is opened’. We accept a return when the bag hasn’t been opened, and the product is received in otherwise good condition, and the return freight is paid by the customer, and the full product value is refunded.